Scheduled Classes

Information on our classes...

Schedule and fees for our license prep classes

Class Start: promptly at 8:30am (for Technician), 8:00am (for General), and 9:00am (for Extra, both days). Plan to arrive 15 minutes early to sign in and get settled.

We take a short break roughly every hour and about an hour break for lunch.  You can bring a lunch to eat there or pop out to get something.  

Exam: immediately follows class, and lasts until about 7:00pm.

Class Fee: The class is FREE of charge.  (Some churches request a small donation to use their space.  If applicable, more on class day.)

Exam Fee: often FREE of charge (and never more than $15).

Application Fee: the FCC now requires you to pay a $35 application fee after you pass the Technician exam. 

(The registration process has more info on the details.)

There is no FCC fee for upgrade applications

Tentative/Future Classes 

If you couldn’t make previous classes (or they were full) don’t despair!

We have several planned dates not yet firm or open for registration.

Once we get a building and VE team confirmed and reach 90 days before class, we’ll open registration.

We’re always looking for groups to host a class. If you have a number of people in your group that want to get licensed, contact us.  For more details, see the Requesting a Class page.

Here’s the schedule (assuming no further major outbreaks).

2025 dates are still tentative, but are likely to be:

05-Apr-2025 cancelled

07-Jun-2025 Technician (entry level) TBD area

26-Jul-2025 Technician (entry level) TBD area

30-Aug+06-Sep-2025 Extra (upgrade from General) TBD area

06-Sep-2025 (alternate) Technician (entry level) TBD area

27-Sep+04-Oct-2025 Extra (alternate) (upgrade from General) TBD

01-Nov-2025 (alternate) Technician (entry level) TBD area

Depending on enrollment, we may have quarterly classes instead of monthly.

Those Dates Still Don’t Work For You?

If you can’t make the dates above and are interested in email for future classes, you can ask to be added to one of our “notify” lists.

We have lists to notify when we announce newly available classes for Technician, General, Extra, and Any class of amateur license.

Note: each list is “county wide”; please do not ask to be notified for classes in a given area (e.g., east county, north county, etc)

Announcements for Technician:  Request Tech announcements

Announcements for General:  Request General announcements

Announcements for Extra:  Request Extra announcements

Announcements for Any and All:  Request all announcements

Other Classes in the Area and Online

From time to time other groups and/or instructors let me know that they’re having a class. At this time, I know of no others scheduled.

Online: There are several out there from time to time.

See below for any info we have on upcoming events.

Previous Class Statistics.

See how we’ve done since 2011 (we didn’t keep logs for the first year or three.)

Testing on Your Own (without taking a class)

You don’t need to take a class to take the Amateur Radio License examination.  You can always study on your own and sign up for a regular exam session. 

In Person Exam-Only sessions are held monthly in 3-4 locations in San Diego county.

See to list and search for online and local sessions.

There are also many online sessions available. 

General Information

Amateur Radio License Levels

There are three levels of Amateur Radio License.

Technician - entry level (requires FCC Registration Number (FRN))

General - upgrade from Technician (requires Technician license)

Extra - upgrade from General (requires General license)

Eligibility Registration in Advance via email is Required

To be eligible to attend, you must use email, follow emailed registration instructions, have the ability to receive attachments, and be able to follow along in an all-day fast paced slide presentation.

There is no age limit however the pace of this class may be too much for those under 8 or 10. (Contact us for teen and pre-teen considerations),

We must be in direct email contact with each prospective attendee.

Sorry: We cannot accept “proxy” registrations for your friends or family.

Tip: the fastest way to start registering someone is to CC them on your request email so we have their direct email address. They will need to reply per instructions.  (We can make an exception for pre-teens who do not yet have their own email and allow their parents to register them.)

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who does not follow email instructions properly and in a reasonably timely manner, does not show up on the day of a class for which they’ve registered, or is abusive, combative, disrespectful, etc in their email communications.

Scheduled Classes (open for registration)

Register Well In Advance! Classes can fill 2-3 weeks before class.

Use the registration instruction links below to start your registration. 

You will complete your registration by replying per emailed instructions.

Note: If a “Request” link below doesn’t work on your computer,

you can send email to:

  Please include the class date and area in the subject of your email. 

For example: “”04-Feb-2019 Miramar area”

We get behind in email sometimes (for example, the week before a class). 

Please be patient and wait 3-7 days before resending your request.

Here are the class dates we have open for registration:

As stated above: while it continues to be very unlikely at this point, indoor masking may be requested/required for these classes.

03-May-2025 General (upgrade from Tech) Kearny Mesa area

Note: this is an upgrade class - you must already have your Technician license.

This class is under two weeks away - register soon!

Request Registration for 03-May-2025 Kearny Mesa General upgrade

07-Jun-2025 Technician (entry level) La Mesa area

Note: We have a host and will “open’ registration when we secure and exam team.  Until then you can “Pre-Register”. 

Request PRE Registration for 07-Jun-2025 La Mesa Technician

We’re always looking for class hosts... All we need is a building with parking and rooms to hold the class and exam.

if your group has a number of interested students, please consider hosting a class.  Here’s all the info:

I’d like to know more about maybe hosting a class

A word about Health (Flu, Covid, etc):

As time passes, it is increasingly unlikely that masking will be needed.  We continue to watch San Diego county and Host guidance and may still request masking.

(Note that we have not requested masking since spring 2023.)

That said, face coverings might be required - for everyone, whether or not you are vaccinated.  Please act responsibly and take the health of all into consideration.

In addition, please wait for a future class if:

  1. 1.You (or your family) are feeling ill and/or experiencing flu-like symptoms the week before class, or

  2. 2.You will not (or can not) wear a mask.

More info on Other Classes in the Area and Online

Not much to report here at this time.

If you know of one, please let me know and I’l note it here.


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